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Writer's pictureCharlotte Sawyer

Replacing Old Core Beliefs with Better Core Beliefs

You may wonder how to stop the old ways of thinking and thus actions and behaviors that do not please either you or others? I can make it sound fairly simple and in one way it is simple, but in another it takes forbearance and perseverance. In other words, it takes patience, self-control, restraint, and tolerance.

The steps begin with basic awareness. That is, awareness of when we think of an old core belief that leads to more negativity than productivity. Awareness means setting an intention to try and notice our thinking more often than not.

After awareness comes “catching oneself” in the act. That is noticing when we are thinking old core beliefs without self- correction. Just catching ourselves is a great step forward.

Right here is where we add in self-compassion. After all, we learned to think in these negative ways from some things that have happened in our lives, we deserve self-compassion at times like these.

After that, say STOP. This sounds so simple even I want to run on to the adjoining steps. But lest you fall into that trap, understand STOP is only buying you a brief moment of relief, there in that moment a decision must be made. Will I continue to dwell on the negative or will I move on?

Now, if you have chosen to move on, when that core belief enters the forefront of your thoughts, this is the time to use “reframe.” Reframing takes effort and practice. A good way to find better reframes regarding your old core beliefs about yourself, is to look at the self-compassion affirmations that Google will give you. If you are like me and want to dig a little deeper and find truthful ways of seeing yourself through God’s eyes, then look at the offerings given through Scriptures of the Bible. They tell you many times who you are in Christ. It is well worth the look.

Digging into the Word of God is a profound and powerful journey for those who believe. But in our busy days it is also great to see the offerings that we find online, just Google “self-compassion affirmations from the Bible,” and see what all is offered you there. You will find many beautiful statements of God's love for you.

Either way, the more we turn away from old negative thinking to reframing our thinking into fair and honest reports about ourselves and others, the happier, and more fulfilled we will feel. Try it out for yourself and report back, why don’t you? Moreover, if you do not know what a fair and accurate report about yourself is, then look no further than the words of Scripture, or seek professional counseling to help you find who you truly are.

One last thing you should know about old core beliefs. Many times, those core beliefs stay close to the surface and even after years and years of reframing some may still linger too close for comfort. I recommend, staying close to the Biblical and new core truths you have learned. Saying them again and again to yourself, keeping them close in your mind and heart, can bring them swiftly to your remembrance when crushing and hurtful things come into sight. Some of us are going to think negative thoughts first, and that is alright, if that is how your brain functions. Just remember to move back over to the reframe side as soon as possible for a happy healthy mindset. Kindly Charlotte

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